- Top-quality professional manuscript editing.
- Fiction and nonfiction in dozens of genres.
- Twenty+ years of editorial experience.
- A portfolio of hundreds of edited books.
- Extensive publishing industry experience and guidance.
- A penchant for perfection, and a passion for my work.

I’m Arlene Prunkl.
I bring all this to your manuscript
editing and proofreading.
Contact me today for a free estimate,
and let’s get started!
What my authors say
“I’m honored, Arlene, to have your sharp editorial eye go over my book, The Self-Publishing Manual. Even though it’s been in print for many years, you caught errors that everyone else had overlooked. I want a picky copy editor, and you are careful, precise, and accurate.
“You have a rare gift for catching even the smallest of mistakes (I would rather you find them than my readers!), and your suggestions for improvement are invaluable. You approach editing with passion and complete the job promptly. Now I’m eager to see the next edition of my book go to press. I appreciate you and your work immensely.”
—Dan Poynter, 2008
The Self-Publishing Manual, 16th Edition
“Arlene, today I received my first print copy of my novel. The cover, interior art, and typesetting really brought it to life, but the one element that stands above all of these is the quality of your editing. After I found you on the internet, despite your having checked all the boxes, I remained anxious about changes you might make to the story’s readability, plot, structure, and my ‘voice,’ which is so much a part of my art.
“To my pleasant surprise, your editing made such a wonderful difference in the finished product that I can’t believe I had any doubts about you. Your diligence, attention to detail, gentle responses to my questions, and grasp of grammar, style, pacing, character development, POV, and more are incredible, and best of all you allowed my words and ideas to come to life without changing my voice. Your coaching and suggestions have made me a better writer while always feeling in control of my work. Editing isn’t inexpensive, but you’ve helped me realize a good editor is indispensable.
“I definitely will work with you again, Arlene. Can’t wait!”
—Brendan Gavin, 2021
The 13th Vote

About me
2022 marked the start of my third decade as a freelance editor. Hundreds of edited books later, both fiction and nonfiction, I remain as passionate about my work as I was twenty years ago. I value structure, substance, style, and creativity equally. I specialize in working with first-time self-publishing authors, and I’ll also guide and advise you if you’re seeking an agent and a traditional publisher.
The book-publishing business—and self-publishing in particular—is a complex undertaking. With my editorial expertise, guidance, and gentle advice, you’ll find it a worry-free and rewarding experience. I’ll help you avoid costly pitfalls and delays, ensuring you’ll enjoy your journey to publication. Together, we’ll make your book the very best it can be.
Authors need editors
Whether you’re self-publishing or seeking an agent or traditional publisher, whether you’re writing a novel, a memoir, nonfiction on any subject, or just about any text that’s going to be published, engaging a freelance editor is one of the most important artistic and business decisions you’ll make in your journey to publication. Don’t skip this crucial step!
Editors need authors
I love my work, but I can’t do it alone. At PenUltimate Editorial Services, I work together with you to create the most polished, professional, marketable books and documents possible, all without losing the essence of your unique writing style. Both writing and editing are fluid, flowing, continually metamorphosing creative processes that combine art, craft, and skill. As an editor who is highly sensitive to each author’s individual writing talents, skills, and background, I go with your flow.