The cover of From Miles to Millions by Bill Grenier

“Arlene Prunkl’s editorial expertise was suggested to me by a lawyer friend. As a first-time writer, I had no real understanding of what an editor did beyond correcting grammar and adding a few punctuation marks. I had no idea of the depth of assistance that would be provided. What started as a memoir, phrased as I might talk to an audience, became a professional and very polished book. I have since received plaudits from a number of readers for my ‘great writing,’ and I cringe a little without admitting I had some serious and very understanding help. I tore out pages that Arlene suggested were too long, changed whole paragraphs she deemed not understandable, ripped away hundreds of clichés she politely mentioned were not necessary to make my point. With great patience she led me to show instead of tell and added so much ‘presence’ to my writing that I now really think I could almost write another tome. But not without her help.

“I can, without equivocation, recommend Arlene to anyone who may be in need of a highly professional, sympathetic editor.”

— Bill Grenier
From Miles to Millions
Vancouver, British Columbia
August 2014
[email protected]