The cover of the Science God by Dwight Wendell

“My book, The Science God, is focused on an esoteric area of moral philosophy that would ordinarily be of interest to only a small percentage of readers. I needed help with making the material as accessible as possible, and I valued Arlene’s work on matters of style and vocabulary a great deal. Her editing knowledge is deep and thorough, and she is very personable as well. But I was most impressed by her willingness to research fine points of historical and philosophical detail and then give me useful suggestions, both for my presentation of those details and for the integration of them into my larger argument. This took more than a solid knowledge of current English usage and style; it took a level of diligence—a work ethic—that one encounters only a few times in a career. She made so many suggestions that helped me to make my book clearer and more interesting for ordinary readers. I am still, months later, deeply grateful. Thank you, Arlene.”

— Dwight Wendell
The Science God
Kelowna, BC
October 2016